Photo-book: Reality, Curated | Valentina Loffredo

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Photo-book: Reality, Curated | Valentina Loffredo


Released in 2020 by Valentina Loffredo, Published by New Heroes & Pioneers


ISBN: 9187815553

96 pages

W170mm x H230mm x D17mm


HK$ 280

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This book presents a selection of works from Valentina Loffredo's first and ongoing series "As for me, I'm very little". The photography plays on the tension between perfectly staged sets, composed through the use of geometry, blocks of colours and negative space and the constant, often ironic, presence of a little detail out of place. Charming and captivating, this photography makes us look beyond the initial appearance of things. Through witty allusions, playful compositions and whimsical props, familiar elements take on different shapes, evolve and engage in a conversation about possibility. Fun, quirky and full of intrigue, Valentina Loffredo's work is wonderful to study and a great accompaniment to any art book collection.

About Valentina Loffredo:

Valentina Loffredo was born in 1978 in Naples, Italy. Her work, based mostly on photography and extending to sculpture and installation, is characterised by a minimal and graphic aesthetic and a general sense of humour that hides deeper levels of research. An interest in the ways form and content of what surrounds us are mirrored in one another, altering our perception of reality, drives her art practice. Her projects have been exhibited with several solo shows in Hong Kong and Milan, featured in “Personal Structures”, collateral event of the 57th Venice Art Biennale and in multiple group exhibitions and art fairs, including Art Central Hong Kong, PhotoFairs Shanghai and The Other Art Fair London. Two of Valentina’s photographs have been exhibited by Sotheby’s for the auction “Curated: turn it up”.

由Valentina Loffredo的首個及仍然進行中的攝影系列作品《As for me, I'm very little》輯錄而成的攝影集《Reality, Curated》,運用了完美的背景加上人物擺拍之間的張力,通過不同幾何形狀、色彩塊和留白以及經常出現的諷刺意味細節,呈現出一幅幅迷人的攝影作品,使讀者能夠閱出超越事物的原始形態。通過機智的暗示性、富玩味的構圖及異想天開的道具,令熟悉的元素呈現出不同的形態,從而不斷發展並參與多種可能性的對話。Valentina Loffredo的作品有趣、古怪且充滿好奇心,閱讀起來會令讀者會心微笑,更是藝術書籍收藏的佳選。