THE GAME: Memory Card-game: Hong Kong Modern – 香港摩登卡牌遊戲 | Walter Koditek

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THE GAME: Memory Card-game: Hong Kong Modern – 香港摩登卡牌遊戲 | Walter Koditek


Published by Apsara Books, Hong Kong 2022

62 full-color cards and a poster

14 x 14 cm

Hardcover Box


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Hong Kong Modern – The Game

This easy-to-play card game is based on the publication Hong Kong Modern Architecture of the 1950s-1970s by Walter Koditek and features the architecture of 32 selected buildings of that transformative period. In the post-war decades, Hong Kong architects, many of them having migrated from China or studied overseas, embraced the principles of the Modern Movement when forced to face the problems of hou- sing shortage, mass construction and limited budgets in the British colony. Although economic efficiencies often prevai- led over design, their buildings were rooted in their time and place, reflecting the local climate, social values, materials, technique and use in an often unique and pragmatic fashion.

The box contains 64 full-color cards and one poster with a b/w image of each of the buildings and their location, architects, year of completion and background. The game starts with all the cards laid out face down into rows and columns. Players take turns to flip over two cards, one card at a time. If the two cards have the same picture, they keep the cards, otherwise they turn the cards face down again. Players continue until they are unable to find a matching pair, with the game then moving on to the next player. Once all cards have been matched, the player with the most pairs wins the game.


這款卡牌遊戲建基於由 Walter Koditek 撰著的《香港摩登:一九五零至七零年代建築》一書,並以該時期轉型的其中 32 座精選建築物為特色製作成卡牌遊戲。在戰後的數十年間,許多從中國大陸移民或於海外學有所成的香港建築師,他們領會到如何以現代原則去處理房屋短缺、大規模建設及預算有限的問題。儘管經濟效益往往高於設計考量,但建築師們仍然以設計植根於他們所處的時期,以一種獨特且務實的方式反映出當下的氣候、社會價值觀、材料、技術和用途。

這盒卡牌遊戲包含 64 張全彩卡片和一張海報,每張卡上面顯示一棟建築物及其位置、建築師、完工年份和背景。遊戲開始時,所有卡片正面朝下排列成行;玩家輪流翻開兩張卡牌,如果兩張卡牌的圖片相同,玩家則配對成功並可保留卡牌,否則再次將卡牌翻面朝下;玩家如配對成功可繼續翻牌直至匹配失敗,然後下一輪遊戲權轉到下一個玩家。當所有的卡牌都成功匹配,擁有最多對數的玩家是為贏家。